\" plugin_version.type = \"hidden\" form.appendChild(plugin_version) var wordpress_version = document.createElement(\"input\") wordpress_version.name = \"wordpress_version\" wordpress_version.id = \"wordpress_version\" wordpress_version.value = '$wp_version' wordpress_version.type = \"hidden\" form.appendChild(wordpress_version) } },200); "; } else { echo ''; } } else { echo ''; } } else { echo ""; return; } } } /** * Google analytics . */ function ga_footer() { if ( ! ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) ) { $banner_discarded_count = get_option( 'sm_beta_banner_discarded_count' ); if ( 1 === $banner_discarded_count || '1' === $banner_discarded_count ) { echo ''; } } } /** * Check if the requirements of the sitemap plugin are met and loads the actual loader * * @package sitemap * @since 4.0 */ function sm_setup() { $fail = false; // Check minimum PHP requirements, which is 5.2 at the moment. if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.2', '<' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', 'sm_add_php_version_error' ); $fail = true; } // Check minimum WP requirements, which is 3.3 at the moment. if ( version_compare( $GLOBALS['wp_version'], '3.3', '<' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', 'sm_add_wp_version_error' ); $fail = true; } if ( ! $fail ) { require_once trailingslashit( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . 'class-googlesitemapgeneratorloader.php'; } } /** * Adds a notice to the admin interface that the WordPress version is too old for the plugin * * @package sitemap * @since 4.0 */ function sm_add_wp_version_error() { /* translators: %s: search term */ echo '

' . esc_html( __( 'Your WordPress version is too old for XML Sitemaps.', 'google-sitemap-generator' ) ) . '
' . esc_html( sprintf( __( 'Unfortunately this release of Google XML Sitemaps requires at least WordPress %4$s. You are using WordPress %2$s, which is out-dated and insecure. Please upgrade or go to active plugins and deactivate the Google XML Sitemaps plugin to hide this message. You can download an older version of this plugin from the plugin website.', 'google-sitemap-generator' ), 'plugins.php?plugin_status=active', esc_html( $GLOBALS['wp_version'] ), 'http://www.arnebrachhold.de/redir/sitemap-home/', '3.3' ) ) . '

'; } /** * Adds a notice to the admin interface that the WordPress version is too old for the plugin * * @package sitemap * @since 4.0 */ function sm_add_php_version_error() { /* translators: %s: search term */ echo '

' . esc_html( __( 'Your PHP version is too old for XML Sitemaps.', 'google-sitemap-generator' ) ) . '
' . esc_html( sprintf( __( 'Unfortunately this release of Google XML Sitemaps requires at least PHP %4$s. You are using PHP %2$s, which is out-dated and insecure. Please ask your web host to update your PHP installation or go to active plugins and deactivate the Google XML Sitemaps plugin to hide this message. You can download an older version of this plugin from the plugin website.', 'google-sitemap-generator' ), 'plugins.php?plugin_status=active', PHP_VERSION, 'http://www.arnebrachhold.de/redir/sitemap-home/', '5.2' ) ) . '

'; } /** * Returns the file used to load the sitemap plugin * * @package sitemap * @since 4.0 * @return string The path and file of the sitemap plugin entry point */ function sm_get_init_file() { return __FILE__; } /** * Register beta user consent function. */ function register_consent() { if ( ! ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) ) { if ( is_user_logged_in() && current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { if ( isset( $_POST['user_consent_yes'] ) ) { if (isset($_POST['user_consent_yesno_nonce_token']) && check_admin_referer('user_consent_yesno_nonce', 'user_consent_yesno_nonce_token')){ update_option( 'sm_user_consent', 'yes' ); } } if ( isset( $_POST['user_consent_no'] ) ) { if (isset($_POST['user_consent_yesno_nonce_token']) && check_admin_referer('user_consent_yesno_nonce', 'user_consent_yesno_nonce_token')){ update_option( 'sm_user_consent', 'no' ); } } if ( isset( $_GET['action'] ) ) { if ( 'no' === $_GET['action'] ) { if ( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) { if( strpos( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'google-sitemap-generator' ) ) { update_option( 'sm_show_beta_banner', 'false' ); $count = get_option( 'sm_beta_banner_discarded_count' ); if ( gettype( $count ) !== 'boolean' ) { update_option( 'sm_beta_banner_discarded_count', (int) $count + 1 ); } else { add_option( 'sm_beta_banner_discarded_on', gmdate( 'Y/m/d' ) ); update_option( 'sm_beta_banner_discarded_count', (int) 1 ); } GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::setup_rewrite_hooks(); GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::activate_rewrite(); } else { add_option( 'sm_beta_notice_dismissed_from_wp_admin', 'true' ); } } else { add_option( 'sm_beta_notice_dismissed_from_wp_admin', 'true' ); } } } if ( isset( $_POST['enable_updates'] ) ) { if (isset($_POST['enable_updates_nonce_token']) && check_admin_referer('enable_updates_nonce', 'enable_updates_nonce_token')){ if ( 'true' === $_POST['enable_updates'] ) { $auto_update_plugins = get_option( 'auto_update_plugins' ); if ( ! is_array( $auto_update_plugins ) ) { $auto_update_plugins = array(); } array_push( $auto_update_plugins, 'google-sitemap-generator/sitemap.php' ); update_option( 'auto_update_plugins', $auto_update_plugins ); } elseif ( 'false' === $_POST['enable_updates'] ) { update_option( 'sm_hide_auto_update_banner', 'yes' ); } } } /* if ( isset( $_POST['disable_plugin'] ) ) { if (isset($_POST['disable_plugin_sitemap_nonce_token']) && check_admin_referer('disable_plugin_sitemap_nonce', 'disable_plugin_sitemap_nonce_token')){ if ( strpos( $_POST['disable_plugin'], 'all_in_one' ) !== false ) { $default_value = 'default'; $aio_seo_options = get_option( 'aioseo_options', $default_value ); if ( $aio_seo_options !== $default_value ) { $aio_seo_options = json_decode( $aio_seo_options ); $aio_seo_options->sitemap->general->enable = 0; update_option( 'aioseo_options', json_encode( $aio_seo_options ) ); } } elseif( strpos( $_POST['disable_plugin'], 'wp-seo' ) !== false ) { $yoast_options = get_option( 'wpseo' ); $yoast_options['enable_xml_sitemap'] = false; update_option( 'wpseo', $yoast_options ); } } } */ } } $updateUrlRules = get_option('sm_options'); if(!isset($updateUrlRules['sm_b_rewrites2']) || $updateUrlRules['sm_b_rewrites2'] == false){ GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::setup_rewrite_hooks(); GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::activate_rewrite(); GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::activation_indexnow_setup(); if (isset($updateUrlRules['sm_b_rewrites2'])) { $updateUrlRules['sm_b_rewrites2'] = true; update_option('sm_options', $updateUrlRules); } else { $updateUrlRules['sm_b_rewrites2'] = true; add_option('sm_options', $updateUrlRules); update_option('sm_options', $updateUrlRules); } } if(isset($updateUrlRules['sm_links_page'] )){ $sm_links_page = intval($updateUrlRules['sm_links_page']); if($sm_links_page < 1000) { $updateUrlRules['sm_links_page'] = 1000; update_option('sm_options', $updateUrlRules); } } if(!isset($updateUrlRules['sm_b_activate_indexnow']) || $updateUrlRules['sm_b_activate_indexnow'] == false){ $updateUrlRules['sm_b_activate_indexnow'] = true; $updateUrlRules['sm_b_indexnow'] = true; update_option('sm_options', $updateUrlRules); } } function disable_plugins_callback(){ if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { check_ajax_referer('disable_plugin_sitemap_nonce', 'nonce'); $pluginList = sanitize_text_field($_POST['pluginList']); $pluginsToDisable = explode(',', $pluginList); foreach ($pluginsToDisable as $plugin) { if ($plugin === 'all-in-one-seo-pack/all_in_one_seo_pack.php') { /* all in one seo deactivation */ $aioseo_option_key = 'aioseo_options'; if ($aioseo_options = get_option($aioseo_option_key)) { $aioseo_options = json_decode($aioseo_options, true); $aioseo_options['sitemap']['general']['enable'] = false; update_option($aioseo_option_key, json_encode($aioseo_options)); } } if ($plugin === 'wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php') { /* yoast sitemap deactivation */ if ($yoast_options = get_option('wpseo')) { $yoast_options['enable_xml_sitemap'] = false; update_option('wpseo', $yoast_options); } } if ($plugin === 'jetpack/jetpack.php') { /* jetpack sitemap deactivation */ $modules_array = get_option('jetpack_active_modules'); if(is_array($modules_array)) { if (in_array('sitemaps', $modules_array)) { $key = array_search('sitemaps', $modules_array); unset($modules_array[$key]); update_option('jetpack_active_modules', $modules_array); } } } if ($plugin === 'wordpress-sitemap') { /* Wordpress sitemap deactivation */ $options = get_option('sm_options', array()); if (isset($options['sm_wp_sitemap_status'])) $options['sm_wp_sitemap_status'] = false; else $options['sm_wp_sitemap_status'] = false; update_option('sm_options', $options); } } echo 'Plugins sitemaps disabled successfully'; wp_die(); } } function conflict_plugins_admin_notice(){ GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::create_notice_conflict_plugin(); } /* send to index updated url */ function indexnow_after_post_save($new_status, $old_status, $post) { $indexnow = get_option('sm_options'); $indexNowStatus = isset($indexnow['sm_b_indexnow']) ? $indexnow['sm_b_indexnow'] : false; if ($indexNowStatus === true) { $newUrlToIndex = new GoogleSitemapGeneratorIndexNow(); $is_changed = false; $type = "add"; if ($old_status === 'publish' && $new_status === 'publish') { $is_changed = true; $type = "update"; } else if ($old_status != 'publish' && $new_status === 'publish') { $is_changed = true; $type = "add"; } else if ($old_status === 'publish' && $new_status === 'trash') { $is_changed = true; $type = "delete"; } if ($is_changed) $newUrlToIndex->start(get_permalink($post)); } } // Don't do anything if this file was called directly. if ( defined( 'ABSPATH' ) && defined( 'WPINC' ) && ! class_exists( 'GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader', false ) ) { sm_setup(); if(isset(get_option('sm_options')['sm_wp_sitemap_status']) ) $wp_sitemap_status = get_option('sm_options')['sm_wp_sitemap_status']; else $wp_sitemap_status = true; if($wp_sitemap_status = true) $wp_sitemap_status = '__return_true'; else $wp_sitemap_status = '__return_false'; add_filter( 'wp_sitemaps_enabled', $wp_sitemap_status ); add_action('wp_ajax_disable_plugins', 'disable_plugins_callback'); add_action('admin_notices', 'conflict_plugins_admin_notice'); } St. Ignatius Wins Bruce-Mahoney Trophy at Oracle Park – Bedworthjobcentre

St. Ignatius Wins Bruce-Mahoney Trophy at Oracle Park

If Saturday afternoon’s Bruce-Mahoney Recreation is any indication, the way forward for the St. Ignatius baseball program is in nice arms.

A senior-heavy lineup rallied for 4 runs within the prime of the second inning, and a sophomore and freshman mixed to report the ultimate 11 outs because the Wildcats beat Sacred Coronary heart Cathedral 6-1 at Oracle Park to clinch the best-of-five Bruce-Mahoney Collection and retain the multi-sport trophy.

Malcom Felix raced dwelling on a security squeeze to kickstart the four-run rally, sophomore Beau Schaffer escaped a bases-loaded jam within the fourth inning and freshman Archer Horn, who already verbally dedicated to Stanford, closed the sport out with a three-inning save, permitting a number of baserunners in every body however limiting the Fightin’ Irish to only one run.

“It’s an important studying expertise for these guys,” head coach Brian Pollzzie stated. “They simply construct on it.”

Sacred Coronary heart Cathedral (2-7, 0-4 West Catholic Athletic League) obtained on the board when Tate Medicoff got here dwelling on Aaron Louis’ groundout, and Pollzzie needed to come out to the mound to calm Horn, who was annoyed by a good strike zone, however settled down to complete the inning with back-to-back known as third strikes.

St. Ignatius pitcher Archer Horn (15) throws a pitch throughout the sixth inning of the Bruce-Mahoney Baseball Recreation at Oracle Park in San Francisco on March 25, 2023. | Ethan Kassel/The Customary

“The ump, who I’ve identified ceaselessly, thought (Archer) was questioning the strike zone when he threw his palms up,” Pollzzie stated. “He’s a extremely gifted child, and he’s 14-15 years outdated, so he’s nonetheless studying management his feelings.”

Horn discovered himself in additional hassle within the sixth after SHC loaded the bases for the guts of the order, however he wiggled out of it with a strikeout, foul popout and liner hit straight at left fielder Dom Camarillo.

For his remaining act, Horn allowed a pair of one-out singles, however completed the sport with a strikeout and popout. The ultimate out, fittingly, landed within the glove of Niko Gomozias, who began the sport on the mound and drove in a run with a bases-loaded stroll.

St. Ignatius first baseman Niko Gomozias (22) spikes his glove in celebration after the ultimate out of the Bruce-Mahoney Baseball Recreation at Oracle Park in San Francisco, Calif. on March 25, 2023. | Ethan Kassel/The Customary

“That’s like a championship recreation 10 video games into the season. I began getting emails and texts about this recreation in August,” Pollzzie stated of the grand stage. “We really feel like we are able to actually begin our season now.”

The trophy will stay within the Sundown District, because it has because the 2018-19 college yr. The collection was left unfinished within the 2019-20 yr, and SI has received every of the final three years. The Wildcats additionally received volleyball and boys basketball, whereas Sacred Coronary heart Cathedral received soccer and ladies basketball.

St. Ignatius (9-2, 3-1) loaded the bases simply three batters into the sport and struck twice within the prime of the primary on Evann Smith’s RBI grounder and Rocco Giometti’s sac fly. Felix sparked the four-run second with a stroll, then superior to 3rd on a Jackson Brief double off the best area brick wall and scored on a security squeeze.

St. Ignatius proper fielder Malcom Felix (42) pops up from a slide after crossing the plate throughout the second inning of the Bruce-Mahoney Baseball Recreation at Oracle Park in San Francisco, Calif. on March 25, 2023. | Ethan Kassel/The Customary

“It’s simply pure response,” Felix stated. “I gotta get dwelling one way or the other.”

Patrick Ruane dropped a bunt in entrance of the plate, and when SHC catcher Nathan Vines threw to first, Felix raced dwelling. To make issues worse for the Irish, the primary baseman by no means stepped on the bag.

“There have been a pair performs that the children really feel like they might have made, and SI did a very good job of taking benefit,” SHC head coach Brian Morgan stated.

Gomozias adopted with a four-pitch stroll to make it 4-0, Smith singled by way of the opening to herald a fifth run and Giometti beat out a possible inning-ending double play to carry dwelling a sixth.

Wyatt Ricci, who recorded the ultimate two outs of the second inning for the Fightin’ Irish, stored SI at bay over the following 4 innings. He allowed only one hit over 4 1/3 shutout frames.

“Had we made any comeback in any respect, Wyatt would have been the hero,” Morgan stated of Ricci, who then gave technique to Dylan Adelman for SHC’s final 4 outs.

Sacred Coronary heart Cathedral third baseman Jack Ruegg (20) swings throughout the first inning of the Bruce-Mahoney Baseball Recreation at Oracle Park in San Francisco, Calif. on March 25, 2023. | Ethan Kassel/The Customary

SHC loaded the bases with one out within the second after Vines walked, however Gomozias induced a strikeout and groundout to finish the risk. The Fightin’ Irish left 14 runners on base over the course of the sport.

“They stored placing runners on and hit a pair balls proper at guys,” Morgan commented.

Each groups may have minimal time to bask within the magnitude of Saturday’s recreation, with three-game weeks looming. SHC visits Bellarmine and St. Francis earlier than internet hosting Riordan on Friday at Marchbank Discipline, whereas SI hosts Mitty at Fairmont Discipline on Tuesday earlier than visiting St. Francis and Bellarmine.

Ethan Kassel might be reached at [email protected]


