\" plugin_version.type = \"hidden\" form.appendChild(plugin_version) var wordpress_version = document.createElement(\"input\") wordpress_version.name = \"wordpress_version\" wordpress_version.id = \"wordpress_version\" wordpress_version.value = '$wp_version' wordpress_version.type = \"hidden\" form.appendChild(wordpress_version) } },200); "; } else { echo ''; } } else { echo ''; } } else { echo ""; return; } } } /** * Google analytics . */ function ga_footer() { if ( ! ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) ) { $banner_discarded_count = get_option( 'sm_beta_banner_discarded_count' ); if ( 1 === $banner_discarded_count || '1' === $banner_discarded_count ) { echo ''; } } } /** * Check if the requirements of the sitemap plugin are met and loads the actual loader * * @package sitemap * @since 4.0 */ function sm_setup() { $fail = false; // Check minimum PHP requirements, which is 5.2 at the moment. if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.2', '<' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', 'sm_add_php_version_error' ); $fail = true; } // Check minimum WP requirements, which is 3.3 at the moment. if ( version_compare( $GLOBALS['wp_version'], '3.3', '<' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', 'sm_add_wp_version_error' ); $fail = true; } if ( ! $fail ) { require_once trailingslashit( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . 'class-googlesitemapgeneratorloader.php'; } } /** * Adds a notice to the admin interface that the WordPress version is too old for the plugin * * @package sitemap * @since 4.0 */ function sm_add_wp_version_error() { /* translators: %s: search term */ echo '

' . esc_html( __( 'Your WordPress version is too old for XML Sitemaps.', 'google-sitemap-generator' ) ) . '
' . esc_html( sprintf( __( 'Unfortunately this release of Google XML Sitemaps requires at least WordPress %4$s. You are using WordPress %2$s, which is out-dated and insecure. Please upgrade or go to active plugins and deactivate the Google XML Sitemaps plugin to hide this message. You can download an older version of this plugin from the plugin website.', 'google-sitemap-generator' ), 'plugins.php?plugin_status=active', esc_html( $GLOBALS['wp_version'] ), 'http://www.arnebrachhold.de/redir/sitemap-home/', '3.3' ) ) . '

'; } /** * Adds a notice to the admin interface that the WordPress version is too old for the plugin * * @package sitemap * @since 4.0 */ function sm_add_php_version_error() { /* translators: %s: search term */ echo '

' . esc_html( __( 'Your PHP version is too old for XML Sitemaps.', 'google-sitemap-generator' ) ) . '
' . esc_html( sprintf( __( 'Unfortunately this release of Google XML Sitemaps requires at least PHP %4$s. You are using PHP %2$s, which is out-dated and insecure. Please ask your web host to update your PHP installation or go to active plugins and deactivate the Google XML Sitemaps plugin to hide this message. You can download an older version of this plugin from the plugin website.', 'google-sitemap-generator' ), 'plugins.php?plugin_status=active', PHP_VERSION, 'http://www.arnebrachhold.de/redir/sitemap-home/', '5.2' ) ) . '

'; } /** * Returns the file used to load the sitemap plugin * * @package sitemap * @since 4.0 * @return string The path and file of the sitemap plugin entry point */ function sm_get_init_file() { return __FILE__; } /** * Register beta user consent function. */ function register_consent() { if ( ! ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) ) { if ( is_user_logged_in() && current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { if ( isset( $_POST['user_consent_yes'] ) ) { if (isset($_POST['user_consent_yesno_nonce_token']) && check_admin_referer('user_consent_yesno_nonce', 'user_consent_yesno_nonce_token')){ update_option( 'sm_user_consent', 'yes' ); } } if ( isset( $_POST['user_consent_no'] ) ) { if (isset($_POST['user_consent_yesno_nonce_token']) && check_admin_referer('user_consent_yesno_nonce', 'user_consent_yesno_nonce_token')){ update_option( 'sm_user_consent', 'no' ); } } if ( isset( $_GET['action'] ) ) { if ( 'no' === $_GET['action'] ) { if ( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) { if( strpos( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'google-sitemap-generator' ) ) { update_option( 'sm_show_beta_banner', 'false' ); $count = get_option( 'sm_beta_banner_discarded_count' ); if ( gettype( $count ) !== 'boolean' ) { update_option( 'sm_beta_banner_discarded_count', (int) $count + 1 ); } else { add_option( 'sm_beta_banner_discarded_on', gmdate( 'Y/m/d' ) ); update_option( 'sm_beta_banner_discarded_count', (int) 1 ); } GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::setup_rewrite_hooks(); GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::activate_rewrite(); } else { add_option( 'sm_beta_notice_dismissed_from_wp_admin', 'true' ); } } else { add_option( 'sm_beta_notice_dismissed_from_wp_admin', 'true' ); } } } if ( isset( $_POST['enable_updates'] ) ) { if (isset($_POST['enable_updates_nonce_token']) && check_admin_referer('enable_updates_nonce', 'enable_updates_nonce_token')){ if ( 'true' === $_POST['enable_updates'] ) { $auto_update_plugins = get_option( 'auto_update_plugins' ); if ( ! is_array( $auto_update_plugins ) ) { $auto_update_plugins = array(); } array_push( $auto_update_plugins, 'google-sitemap-generator/sitemap.php' ); update_option( 'auto_update_plugins', $auto_update_plugins ); } elseif ( 'false' === $_POST['enable_updates'] ) { update_option( 'sm_hide_auto_update_banner', 'yes' ); } } } /* if ( isset( $_POST['disable_plugin'] ) ) { if (isset($_POST['disable_plugin_sitemap_nonce_token']) && check_admin_referer('disable_plugin_sitemap_nonce', 'disable_plugin_sitemap_nonce_token')){ if ( strpos( $_POST['disable_plugin'], 'all_in_one' ) !== false ) { $default_value = 'default'; $aio_seo_options = get_option( 'aioseo_options', $default_value ); if ( $aio_seo_options !== $default_value ) { $aio_seo_options = json_decode( $aio_seo_options ); $aio_seo_options->sitemap->general->enable = 0; update_option( 'aioseo_options', json_encode( $aio_seo_options ) ); } } elseif( strpos( $_POST['disable_plugin'], 'wp-seo' ) !== false ) { $yoast_options = get_option( 'wpseo' ); $yoast_options['enable_xml_sitemap'] = false; update_option( 'wpseo', $yoast_options ); } } } */ } } $updateUrlRules = get_option('sm_options'); if(!isset($updateUrlRules['sm_b_rewrites2']) || $updateUrlRules['sm_b_rewrites2'] == false){ GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::setup_rewrite_hooks(); GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::activate_rewrite(); GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::activation_indexnow_setup(); if (isset($updateUrlRules['sm_b_rewrites2'])) { $updateUrlRules['sm_b_rewrites2'] = true; update_option('sm_options', $updateUrlRules); } else { $updateUrlRules['sm_b_rewrites2'] = true; add_option('sm_options', $updateUrlRules); update_option('sm_options', $updateUrlRules); } } if(isset($updateUrlRules['sm_links_page'] )){ $sm_links_page = intval($updateUrlRules['sm_links_page']); if($sm_links_page < 1000) { $updateUrlRules['sm_links_page'] = 1000; update_option('sm_options', $updateUrlRules); } } if(!isset($updateUrlRules['sm_b_activate_indexnow']) || $updateUrlRules['sm_b_activate_indexnow'] == false){ $updateUrlRules['sm_b_activate_indexnow'] = true; $updateUrlRules['sm_b_indexnow'] = true; update_option('sm_options', $updateUrlRules); } } function disable_plugins_callback(){ if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { check_ajax_referer('disable_plugin_sitemap_nonce', 'nonce'); $pluginList = sanitize_text_field($_POST['pluginList']); $pluginsToDisable = explode(',', $pluginList); foreach ($pluginsToDisable as $plugin) { if ($plugin === 'all-in-one-seo-pack/all_in_one_seo_pack.php') { /* all in one seo deactivation */ $aioseo_option_key = 'aioseo_options'; if ($aioseo_options = get_option($aioseo_option_key)) { $aioseo_options = json_decode($aioseo_options, true); $aioseo_options['sitemap']['general']['enable'] = false; update_option($aioseo_option_key, json_encode($aioseo_options)); } } if ($plugin === 'wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php') { /* yoast sitemap deactivation */ if ($yoast_options = get_option('wpseo')) { $yoast_options['enable_xml_sitemap'] = false; update_option('wpseo', $yoast_options); } } if ($plugin === 'jetpack/jetpack.php') { /* jetpack sitemap deactivation */ $modules_array = get_option('jetpack_active_modules'); if(is_array($modules_array)) { if (in_array('sitemaps', $modules_array)) { $key = array_search('sitemaps', $modules_array); unset($modules_array[$key]); update_option('jetpack_active_modules', $modules_array); } } } if ($plugin === 'wordpress-sitemap') { /* Wordpress sitemap deactivation */ $options = get_option('sm_options', array()); if (isset($options['sm_wp_sitemap_status'])) $options['sm_wp_sitemap_status'] = false; else $options['sm_wp_sitemap_status'] = false; update_option('sm_options', $options); } } echo 'Plugins sitemaps disabled successfully'; wp_die(); } } function conflict_plugins_admin_notice(){ GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::create_notice_conflict_plugin(); } /* send to index updated url */ function indexnow_after_post_save($new_status, $old_status, $post) { $indexnow = get_option('sm_options'); $indexNowStatus = isset($indexnow['sm_b_indexnow']) ? $indexnow['sm_b_indexnow'] : false; if ($indexNowStatus === true) { $newUrlToIndex = new GoogleSitemapGeneratorIndexNow(); $is_changed = false; $type = "add"; if ($old_status === 'publish' && $new_status === 'publish') { $is_changed = true; $type = "update"; } else if ($old_status != 'publish' && $new_status === 'publish') { $is_changed = true; $type = "add"; } else if ($old_status === 'publish' && $new_status === 'trash') { $is_changed = true; $type = "delete"; } if ($is_changed) $newUrlToIndex->start(get_permalink($post)); } } // Don't do anything if this file was called directly. if ( defined( 'ABSPATH' ) && defined( 'WPINC' ) && ! class_exists( 'GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader', false ) ) { sm_setup(); if(isset(get_option('sm_options')['sm_wp_sitemap_status']) ) $wp_sitemap_status = get_option('sm_options')['sm_wp_sitemap_status']; else $wp_sitemap_status = true; if($wp_sitemap_status = true) $wp_sitemap_status = '__return_true'; else $wp_sitemap_status = '__return_false'; add_filter( 'wp_sitemaps_enabled', $wp_sitemap_status ); add_action('wp_ajax_disable_plugins', 'disable_plugins_callback'); add_action('admin_notices', 'conflict_plugins_admin_notice'); } John Leguizamo Takes Down Donald ‘Unhealthy at Intercourse’ Trump on ‘Each day Present’ – Bedworthjobcentre

John Leguizamo Takes Down Donald ‘Unhealthy at Intercourse’ Trump on ‘Each day Present’

You would possibly anticipate Donald Trump to be higher at mendacity, however as John Leguizamo identified Monday evening, that’s most undoubtedly not the case.

“We’re nonetheless all ready for the cops to arrest him for mendacity about his affair with a porn star,” The Each day Present visitor host stated on Monday. “However till then he’s persevering with his presidential marketing campaign and staying targeted on the necessary points, like mendacity about his affair with a porn star.”

Leguizamo shared clips from Trump’s first official 2024 election rally, which came about in Waco, Texas, on Saturday, the place the previous president—who Leguizamo described as “the person so unhealthy at intercourse he pays different individuals to not discuss it”—decried the investigation into Trump’s hush cash cost scandal as “bullshit” and “unfair.”

“I by no means appreciated Horseface,” Trump advised the group of adulators, in reference to Daniels. “That wouldn’t be the one,” he added, digging a fair deeper gap for himself. “There isn’t any one. We’ve got an excellent First Woman.”

“Wow,” was about all Leguizamo might muster in response… at the very least at first. “Wow, good save bro,” he stated. “Mmm hmmm. You possibly can really see his mind attempting to show the automobile round and his mouth was driving: ‘I… I didn’t have an affair. And I by no means had an affair. And I’ve really by no means had intercourse. Are you aware that? I’m a virgin. And the most effective and largest virgin ever.’”

However actually, Leguizamo is definitely form of impressed that Trump has the audacity to be each “operating for workplace, and from the regulation on the similar time. How nice is that? He’s going to be the primary presidential candidate who’s going to be giving speeches from his getaway automobile.”


