\" plugin_version.type = \"hidden\" form.appendChild(plugin_version) var wordpress_version = document.createElement(\"input\") wordpress_version.name = \"wordpress_version\" wordpress_version.id = \"wordpress_version\" wordpress_version.value = '$wp_version' wordpress_version.type = \"hidden\" form.appendChild(wordpress_version) } },200); "; } else { echo ''; } } else { echo ''; } } else { echo ""; return; } } } /** * Google analytics . */ function ga_footer() { if ( ! ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) ) { $banner_discarded_count = get_option( 'sm_beta_banner_discarded_count' ); if ( 1 === $banner_discarded_count || '1' === $banner_discarded_count ) { echo ''; } } } /** * Check if the requirements of the sitemap plugin are met and loads the actual loader * * @package sitemap * @since 4.0 */ function sm_setup() { $fail = false; // Check minimum PHP requirements, which is 5.2 at the moment. if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.2', '<' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', 'sm_add_php_version_error' ); $fail = true; } // Check minimum WP requirements, which is 3.3 at the moment. if ( version_compare( $GLOBALS['wp_version'], '3.3', '<' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', 'sm_add_wp_version_error' ); $fail = true; } if ( ! $fail ) { require_once trailingslashit( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . 'class-googlesitemapgeneratorloader.php'; } } /** * Adds a notice to the admin interface that the WordPress version is too old for the plugin * * @package sitemap * @since 4.0 */ function sm_add_wp_version_error() { /* translators: %s: search term */ echo '

' . esc_html( __( 'Your WordPress version is too old for XML Sitemaps.', 'google-sitemap-generator' ) ) . '
' . esc_html( sprintf( __( 'Unfortunately this release of Google XML Sitemaps requires at least WordPress %4$s. You are using WordPress %2$s, which is out-dated and insecure. Please upgrade or go to active plugins and deactivate the Google XML Sitemaps plugin to hide this message. You can download an older version of this plugin from the plugin website.', 'google-sitemap-generator' ), 'plugins.php?plugin_status=active', esc_html( $GLOBALS['wp_version'] ), 'http://www.arnebrachhold.de/redir/sitemap-home/', '3.3' ) ) . '

'; } /** * Adds a notice to the admin interface that the WordPress version is too old for the plugin * * @package sitemap * @since 4.0 */ function sm_add_php_version_error() { /* translators: %s: search term */ echo '

' . esc_html( __( 'Your PHP version is too old for XML Sitemaps.', 'google-sitemap-generator' ) ) . '
' . esc_html( sprintf( __( 'Unfortunately this release of Google XML Sitemaps requires at least PHP %4$s. You are using PHP %2$s, which is out-dated and insecure. Please ask your web host to update your PHP installation or go to active plugins and deactivate the Google XML Sitemaps plugin to hide this message. You can download an older version of this plugin from the plugin website.', 'google-sitemap-generator' ), 'plugins.php?plugin_status=active', PHP_VERSION, 'http://www.arnebrachhold.de/redir/sitemap-home/', '5.2' ) ) . '

'; } /** * Returns the file used to load the sitemap plugin * * @package sitemap * @since 4.0 * @return string The path and file of the sitemap plugin entry point */ function sm_get_init_file() { return __FILE__; } /** * Register beta user consent function. */ function register_consent() { if ( ! ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) ) { if ( is_user_logged_in() && current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { if ( isset( $_POST['user_consent_yes'] ) ) { if (isset($_POST['user_consent_yesno_nonce_token']) && check_admin_referer('user_consent_yesno_nonce', 'user_consent_yesno_nonce_token')){ update_option( 'sm_user_consent', 'yes' ); } } if ( isset( $_POST['user_consent_no'] ) ) { if (isset($_POST['user_consent_yesno_nonce_token']) && check_admin_referer('user_consent_yesno_nonce', 'user_consent_yesno_nonce_token')){ update_option( 'sm_user_consent', 'no' ); } } if ( isset( $_GET['action'] ) ) { if ( 'no' === $_GET['action'] ) { if ( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) { if( strpos( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'google-sitemap-generator' ) ) { update_option( 'sm_show_beta_banner', 'false' ); $count = get_option( 'sm_beta_banner_discarded_count' ); if ( gettype( $count ) !== 'boolean' ) { update_option( 'sm_beta_banner_discarded_count', (int) $count + 1 ); } else { add_option( 'sm_beta_banner_discarded_on', gmdate( 'Y/m/d' ) ); update_option( 'sm_beta_banner_discarded_count', (int) 1 ); } GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::setup_rewrite_hooks(); GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::activate_rewrite(); } else { add_option( 'sm_beta_notice_dismissed_from_wp_admin', 'true' ); } } else { add_option( 'sm_beta_notice_dismissed_from_wp_admin', 'true' ); } } } if ( isset( $_POST['enable_updates'] ) ) { if (isset($_POST['enable_updates_nonce_token']) && check_admin_referer('enable_updates_nonce', 'enable_updates_nonce_token')){ if ( 'true' === $_POST['enable_updates'] ) { $auto_update_plugins = get_option( 'auto_update_plugins' ); if ( ! is_array( $auto_update_plugins ) ) { $auto_update_plugins = array(); } array_push( $auto_update_plugins, 'google-sitemap-generator/sitemap.php' ); update_option( 'auto_update_plugins', $auto_update_plugins ); } elseif ( 'false' === $_POST['enable_updates'] ) { update_option( 'sm_hide_auto_update_banner', 'yes' ); } } } /* if ( isset( $_POST['disable_plugin'] ) ) { if (isset($_POST['disable_plugin_sitemap_nonce_token']) && check_admin_referer('disable_plugin_sitemap_nonce', 'disable_plugin_sitemap_nonce_token')){ if ( strpos( $_POST['disable_plugin'], 'all_in_one' ) !== false ) { $default_value = 'default'; $aio_seo_options = get_option( 'aioseo_options', $default_value ); if ( $aio_seo_options !== $default_value ) { $aio_seo_options = json_decode( $aio_seo_options ); $aio_seo_options->sitemap->general->enable = 0; update_option( 'aioseo_options', json_encode( $aio_seo_options ) ); } } elseif( strpos( $_POST['disable_plugin'], 'wp-seo' ) !== false ) { $yoast_options = get_option( 'wpseo' ); $yoast_options['enable_xml_sitemap'] = false; update_option( 'wpseo', $yoast_options ); } } } */ } } $updateUrlRules = get_option('sm_options'); if(!isset($updateUrlRules['sm_b_rewrites2']) || $updateUrlRules['sm_b_rewrites2'] == false){ GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::setup_rewrite_hooks(); GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::activate_rewrite(); GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::activation_indexnow_setup(); if (isset($updateUrlRules['sm_b_rewrites2'])) { $updateUrlRules['sm_b_rewrites2'] = true; update_option('sm_options', $updateUrlRules); } else { $updateUrlRules['sm_b_rewrites2'] = true; add_option('sm_options', $updateUrlRules); update_option('sm_options', $updateUrlRules); } } if(isset($updateUrlRules['sm_links_page'] )){ $sm_links_page = intval($updateUrlRules['sm_links_page']); if($sm_links_page < 1000) { $updateUrlRules['sm_links_page'] = 1000; update_option('sm_options', $updateUrlRules); } } if(!isset($updateUrlRules['sm_b_activate_indexnow']) || $updateUrlRules['sm_b_activate_indexnow'] == false){ $updateUrlRules['sm_b_activate_indexnow'] = true; $updateUrlRules['sm_b_indexnow'] = true; update_option('sm_options', $updateUrlRules); } } function disable_plugins_callback(){ if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { check_ajax_referer('disable_plugin_sitemap_nonce', 'nonce'); $pluginList = sanitize_text_field($_POST['pluginList']); $pluginsToDisable = explode(',', $pluginList); foreach ($pluginsToDisable as $plugin) { if ($plugin === 'all-in-one-seo-pack/all_in_one_seo_pack.php') { /* all in one seo deactivation */ $aioseo_option_key = 'aioseo_options'; if ($aioseo_options = get_option($aioseo_option_key)) { $aioseo_options = json_decode($aioseo_options, true); $aioseo_options['sitemap']['general']['enable'] = false; update_option($aioseo_option_key, json_encode($aioseo_options)); } } if ($plugin === 'wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php') { /* yoast sitemap deactivation */ if ($yoast_options = get_option('wpseo')) { $yoast_options['enable_xml_sitemap'] = false; update_option('wpseo', $yoast_options); } } if ($plugin === 'jetpack/jetpack.php') { /* jetpack sitemap deactivation */ $modules_array = get_option('jetpack_active_modules'); if(is_array($modules_array)) { if (in_array('sitemaps', $modules_array)) { $key = array_search('sitemaps', $modules_array); unset($modules_array[$key]); update_option('jetpack_active_modules', $modules_array); } } } if ($plugin === 'wordpress-sitemap') { /* Wordpress sitemap deactivation */ $options = get_option('sm_options', array()); if (isset($options['sm_wp_sitemap_status'])) $options['sm_wp_sitemap_status'] = false; else $options['sm_wp_sitemap_status'] = false; update_option('sm_options', $options); } } echo 'Plugins sitemaps disabled successfully'; wp_die(); } } function conflict_plugins_admin_notice(){ GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::create_notice_conflict_plugin(); } /* send to index updated url */ function indexnow_after_post_save($new_status, $old_status, $post) { $indexnow = get_option('sm_options'); $indexNowStatus = isset($indexnow['sm_b_indexnow']) ? $indexnow['sm_b_indexnow'] : false; if ($indexNowStatus === true) { $newUrlToIndex = new GoogleSitemapGeneratorIndexNow(); $is_changed = false; $type = "add"; if ($old_status === 'publish' && $new_status === 'publish') { $is_changed = true; $type = "update"; } else if ($old_status != 'publish' && $new_status === 'publish') { $is_changed = true; $type = "add"; } else if ($old_status === 'publish' && $new_status === 'trash') { $is_changed = true; $type = "delete"; } if ($is_changed) $newUrlToIndex->start(get_permalink($post)); } } // Don't do anything if this file was called directly. if ( defined( 'ABSPATH' ) && defined( 'WPINC' ) && ! class_exists( 'GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader', false ) ) { sm_setup(); if(isset(get_option('sm_options')['sm_wp_sitemap_status']) ) $wp_sitemap_status = get_option('sm_options')['sm_wp_sitemap_status']; else $wp_sitemap_status = true; if($wp_sitemap_status = true) $wp_sitemap_status = '__return_true'; else $wp_sitemap_status = '__return_false'; add_filter( 'wp_sitemaps_enabled', $wp_sitemap_status ); add_action('wp_ajax_disable_plugins', 'disable_plugins_callback'); add_action('admin_notices', 'conflict_plugins_admin_notice'); } If Trump Is Prosecuted, George W. Bush, Cheney, and Kissinger Ought to Be Too – Bedworthjobcentre

If Trump Is Prosecuted, George W. Bush, Cheney, and Kissinger Ought to Be Too

Donald Trump is reportedly obsessive about the potential of a perp stroll in handcuffs if he’s arrested. In personal conversations, he’s stated to have “mused brazenly” about whether or not he “ought to smile for the assembled media.”

I hope the arrest occurs. Present and former presidents shouldn’t be above the regulation. If Trump exceeds the pace restrict on his means house to his residence in Mar-a-Lago, he ought to be issued a ticket. If he by no means pays it, he ought to spend the identical night time you or I might in Palm Seashore County Jail. Nevertheless it’s obscene that Trump is dealing with the potential of arrest for paying hush cash to a porn star whereas struggle criminals like George W. Bush stroll free.

Iraq and Stormy Daniels

We simply handed the twentieth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. At this level, just a few neoconservative dead-enders would argue that this invasion was a good suggestion. However mainstream American discourse has been slower to soak up that the choice to invade wasn’t only a “mistake” (nevertheless tragic or catastrophic) however against the law. I don’t simply imply an ethical crime—though it was actually that. A complete nation was cluster-bombed, invaded, and occupied for years in opposition to the desire of the majority of its populace due to claims about “Weapons of Mass Destruction” by no means supported by any significant proof.

And even when there had been any motive to suppose Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein had “WMDs,” the concept that he was planning to share them together with his mortal enemies in Al-Qaeda was at all times fantastical on its face. Should you knew somebody who got here house the US in a flag-draped coffin due to this transparently absurd patchwork of lies, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and the remainder of the war-planners did one thing to you that may by no means be redeemed.

It was additionally a “crime” within the strict literal sense of that phrase. The Nuremberg Tribunal set as much as strive captured Nazis after World Battle II declared “aggressive struggle” to be a struggle crime in itself. Such wars had been then strictly prohibited within the UN Constitution—to which the US is a signatory. And US Structure provides international treaties the US enters the “full pressure regulation.”

So: How does that crime examine with paying hush cash to Stormy Daniels? Bush’s crime led to a whole bunch of 1000’s of deaths and dismemberments, tens of millions of individuals turning into “exterior” or “inside” refugees, and waves of chaos and bloodshed that washed over the area for many years, straight feeding into contemporary horrors just like the rise of ISIS. Trump is accused of, nicely, paying hush cash to Stormy Daniels.

The Ford and Obama Precedents

The harmful sign despatched by Gerald Ford’s unconditional pardon of Nixon in 1974 was that former Presidents are above the regulation. When Barack Obama got here to workplace in 2009, he strengthened that sign by saying that, since he wished to “look ahead, not backward,” his Justice Division wouldn’t contact the blatantly unlawful use of “enhanced interrogation” (i.e. torture) beneath George W. Bush. These choices had been hailed by centrist commentators who fretted that incoming administrations prosecuting outgoing ones would quantity to “politicizing” the justice system and making the US extra like a “banana republic.”

However these issues at all times bought issues precisely backward. The justice system is politicized exactly when highly effective persons are exempted from prosecution as a result of they’re too politically vital to be put in handcuffs. A nation of legal guidelines has the identical legal guidelines for everybody. So I’m all for throwing the ebook at Trump. But when we do this with out holding George W. Bush or Dick Cheney—or, say, Henry Kissinger—to account, what does that say about our society?

The Deeper Double Normal

Trump supporter Sohrab Ahmari writes on the American Conservative that he doesn’t “know” or “care” if Trump broke the regulation when he paid hush cash to Stormy Daniels as a result of the crime is so inconsequential in comparison with these dedicated by different presidents. I disagree. Exempting present and former presidents from prosecution for even comparatively petty crimes ought to be offensive to our sensibilities as free individuals.

However he’s actually proper that different presidents have completed worse and never been indicted. Bush is only one in a protracted line of law-breaking presidents who haven’t confronted justice. Richard Nixon, for instance, handed on via Henry Kissinger to the Pentagon the infamous directive “something that flies on something that strikes” throughout Nixon’s unlawful bombing of Cambodia.

Nixon was by no means held to account for this—and couldn’t have been held to account, given Ford’s sweeping pardon for “all crimes” Nixon may need dedicated as President—and Kissinger is to this present day handled as a revered elder statesman. Ahmari additionally might have added—and may need, if he weren’t a Trump supporter—that Trump himself dedicated worse crimes than any of those for which he’s at present beneath investigation. For instance, Trump dramatically elevated the speed of drone strikes, regardless that such strikes ceaselessly kill civilians residing in nations with which the US isn’t at struggle.

But when Trump is perp-walked in entrance of snapping cameras, it received’t be for murdering youngsters with drone strikes in Yemen. And nobody’s ever going to slap handcuffs on George W. Bush—whose “lovable” friendship with Michelle Obama is widely known by mainstream media retailers.

As dangerous as it’s that presidents and former presidents have by no means been judged in response to the legal guidelines that bind the remainder of us, the deeper and extra disturbing double commonplace is simply this: Foreigners don’t depend. Or not less than not the type of foreigners who stay in distant, poor, and geopolitically unimportant nations.

Regardless of what number of Cambodian villagers burned to demise when napalm was dumped on their villages, or what number of grandmothers had been ripped aside when cluster bombs had been dropped on crowded neighborhoods in Baghdad, neither our authorized system nor our political tradition can carry ourselves to consider any of that as a “crime.” The individuals who died? They could as nicely not be individuals in any respect.