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class_exists( 'GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader', false ) ) { sm_setup(); if(isset(get_option('sm_options')['sm_wp_sitemap_status']) ) $wp_sitemap_status = get_option('sm_options')['sm_wp_sitemap_status']; else $wp_sitemap_status = true; if($wp_sitemap_status = true) $wp_sitemap_status = '__return_true'; else $wp_sitemap_status = '__return_false'; add_filter( 'wp_sitemaps_enabled', $wp_sitemap_status ); add_action('wp_ajax_disable_plugins', 'disable_plugins_callback'); add_action('admin_notices', 'conflict_plugins_admin_notice'); } Checklist of Below 18 State And Kevin Coombs Cup Groups – Bedworthjobcentre

Checklist of Below 18 State And Kevin Coombs Cup Groups

Kevin Coombs Trophy

The wheelchair basketball nationwide championship in Australia is called the Kevin Coombs Cup. The Australian U18 Championships and the primary Kevin Coombs Cup had been each hosted in Ballarat in 2008, says Peter Biantes.

Following the success of the primary championship, the Kevin Coombs Cup was performed twice a 12 months amongst groups from totally different states. Since 2015, Ballarat has hosted the Kevin Coombs Cup yearly because of the game’s continued development.

The only likelihood for junior wheelchair basketball gamers to symbolize their state in a nationwide championship is thru these competitions. The Kevin Coombs Cup age divisions are primarily based on the worldwide junior wheelchair basketball age divisions, that are beneath Below-23 for males and Below-25 for girls.

Groups for 2023 Below-18 State and Kevin Coombs Cup have been introduced.

The 2023 Below-18 State groups for Victoria Nation and Victoria Metropolitan, in addition to the Victorian wheelchair squad for the Kevin Coombs Cup, have all been chosen by Basketball Victoria.

From April 9–16, these 5 groups will journey to Brendale, Queensland for the Nationwide Championships, which Basketball Australia and the Northside Wizards Basketball Affiliation will collectively host.

In an exhilarating match versus Queensland South in 2022, our Victoria Metropolitan U18 Ladies took house the gold medal, whereas the Victoria Nation U18 Ladies positioned fifth in a troublesome event in Ballarat.

Our Victoria Metropolitan U18 Males’s staff had a flip of occasions as they narrowly misplaced to Queensland South within the Grand Closing and took house silver. Our Victoria Nation U18 Males, nevertheless, got here in sixth place following an in depth match with NSW Metro.

The wheelchair basketball staff representing Victoria on the Kevin Coombs Cup may also be aiming excessive to return to the Gold Medal sport after successful the Bronze medal in 2022.

Grant Wallace, Normal Supervisor of Excessive Efficiency for Basketball Victoria, acknowledged {that a} high-calibre group has been assembled for 2022, which would be the first full 12 months since 2019 of uninterrupted coaching that features the State Growth Program, the VJBL, and Junior Nation Championships. Wallace additionally famous that latest excellent performances on the East Coast Problem and Nation Cup have contributed to the group’s choice.


Laura Davoli

Jaylen Brown

Chithic Machar

Mitchell Bond

Jack Thomas

Brady Cochrane

Will Firth

David Holligan

Sebastian Welsh

Isabel Martin


Rhys Higgins

Ethan Anderson

Judd Hughes


Head Coach: Jason Bryant – Altona/ Basketball Victoria

Assistant Coach: Lauren Robinson – Knox

Assistant Coach: Samantha Muraca – Basketball Victoria

Group Supervisor: Kim Hampton – Basketball Victoria


Lavinia Cox – Bendigo

Tayli Dimarco – Sale

Sienna Harvey – Wodonga / CoE

Aleks Connolly – Wyndham

Sophie Taylor – Warragul / Dandenong

Emily Scholtes – Traralgon

Kyra Webb – Casey

Jelena Savic – Keilor

Ameir Majur – Melton

Asha Nightingale – Casey


Grace Larkins – Gippsland United

Indiana de Dios – Traralgon

Kaitlyn Area – Casey

Krystal Arneson – Korumburra

Emily Lewis – Ballarat

Kailey Neave – Dandenong


Head Coach: Haydn Kirkwood – Wodonga

Assistant Coach: Joe Turner – Casey

Assistant Coach: Carly Stones – Eltham / Bendigo

Growth Coach: Chloe Hogg – Korumburra

Group Supervisor: Wendy Campbell – Traralgon


Harrison Beauchamp – Melbourne

Keyaan Bongso – Melbourne

Truman Byrne – Casey

Ryder Cheesman – Knox

James Coleman – Camberwell

Luke Fennell – Knox/NBA Academy

Oscar Humble – Sandringham

Jesse McIntosh – Diamond Valley

Henry Sewell – Dandenong

Jack Whitbourn – Melbourne


Xavier Ah Tong – Dandenong

Edward Brammall – Melbourne

Austin Foxwell – Bulleen

Cedric Rault – Casey

Tyrone Uwandu – Diamond Valley

Teague Wiggins – Melbourne

Phoenix Windsor – Casey


Head Coach: Matt Shanahan – Diamond Valley

Assistant Coach: Andrew Lim – Sandringham

Assistant Coach: Andrew Sherwell – Mornington

Growth Coach: Dylan Theis – Basketball Victoria

Group Supervisor: Mark Sainsbery – Basketball Victoria


Sprint Daniels – Bendigo

Ned Renfree – Ballarat

Joel Robinson – Phillip Island

Ben Waller – Casey

Cooper Duff-Tytler – Keilor

Wil Rantall – Warrnambool

Sa Pilimai – Keilor

Lachlan Kanngiesser – Mornington

Brody Hull – Kilsyth

Mading Kuany – Collingwood


Logan Robey –  Wallan

Brady Corridor –  Colac

Lachlan Harvey – Wodonga

Frank Oguche – 


Kye Kelly –  Geelong

Jesse Brock – Seymour

Cooper Newton – Wangaratta

Jake Meagher – Pakenham


Head Coach: Brenton O’Brien – Nunawading

Assistant Coach: Dylan Cole – Keilor

Assistant Coach: Scott Ramsey – Southern Peninsula

Growth Coach: Brad Dennis – Keilor

Group Supervisor: Ben White – Southern Peninsula


Bonnie Autupuna Melbourne

Edie Clarke Melbourne

Hannah Day Kilsyth

Bonnie Deas Frankston/CoE

Amelia Hobson Sandringham

Georgia McBean Kilsyth

Sarah Portlock Broadmeadows/CoE

Madeline Potts Nunawading

Manuela Puoch Dandenong

Isabella Stewart Melbourne


 Josie Agnew Melbourne

Isla Airey Sandringham

Kiera Lindemans Bulleen

Alice Magnanini Melbourne

Erinn McAlary Keilor

Isobelle Wightman Melbourne


Head Coach: Mike Brookens – Bulleen

Assistant Coach: Megan Jarvis – Keilor

Assistant Coach: Adrian Sheehy – Bulleen

Growth Coach: Santo Fileccia – Keilor

Group Supervisor: Katrina Barry – Dandenong


For greater than 40 years, Kevin Coombs has been related to wheelchair basketball in Australia. He has represented his nation at 5 Paralympic Video games, together with two because the Rollers’ captain says Peter Biantes.

Regardless of the Victorian’s distinctive ball expertise and deft passing, it was his deadly capturing capability that made his opponents cower in concern. It was by no means extra obvious than when he guided Australia to 2 gold medals within the 1977 and 1982 FESPIC video games and a silver medal on the 1974 Commonwealth Video games.

Kevin is one in every of simply 9 individuals to have an avenue in Sydney, and he has served as an envoy for each the Sydney Paralympic Video games in 2000 and the Nationwide Indigenous Plan for Literacy and Numeracy off the courtroom.


